A Brief Review of 33

As I close out the final hours of my pre-determined “scary age,” I can’t help but do a little mental math of the things that have occurred over the last 364 days. Sorry if it’s a bit Bridget Jones-esque…

Nervous breakdowns: 2
Trump-induced anxiety attacks: numerous
Weeks sabbatical: 3
Countries visited: 2
Flights taken: 7
New tattoos: 1
Removed piercings: 1 (figured 33 was too old for my navel piercing)
Pets acquired: 2
Pets lost: 1 (Grandpa Bernie now lives with my nephews)
Pounds gained: unknown, although I’m sure little Clem (my citrus-sized uterine cyst) weighs a pound or two
Pounds lost: at least 6, but I can’t be sure because I don’t know the exact number I started at
Debt paid off: 1 student loan and my car loan
Relationships ended: 1
Relationships started: 0
Dates: too many to count
Dick pics received: 0…thank god

There have also been a ton of other things that have happened: weddings, births, sicknesses, politics, weather. I’ve gone through a lot of personal struggles with work and my personal life, but I’ve also had some wonderful things happen. I’m continually thankful for my family and friends who are always there to support me, although I fucking hate burdening people, and I can only hope that this year was as low as things will get (at least for some time).

That being said, you will probably notice me posting more often. I’ve decided to get myself on a schedule with this and put in a little more effort. It will still mainly be a blog about dating, because that’s what is one of the main things I’ve been doing recently, but it will probably also touch on other things that are going on in my life. I promise to not always be a Debbie downer when talking about certain, tough topics, and just note that if I do end up talking about those things, I’ll do my best to inject a little humor when necessary….and appropriate.

As I wrote that last sentence, a song came on my Spotify that almost perfectly sums up the last year, so I will end with some extremely fitting lyrics:

“Now the world can be an unfair place at times
But your lows will have their compliment of highs
And if anyone should cheat you
Take advantage of or beat you raise your head
And wear your wounds with pride”

Exes and the Oh Fuck Noes

First of all, I had to look up if the plural of “no” was “nos” or “noes.”  Apparently, both are okay according to the OED, but they prefer that you use the second.   I think it looks fucking weird, but I live my life by the Oxford comma, so I figured I should follow this too.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about how to broach this subject for a while and after an annoying email exchange yesterday, I figured I’d just start by asking this question: how many of you are friends with your ex?  Okay, now how many of you are friends with your ex’s ex?  Right.  I’m going to assume that no one raised their hand to that.

So final question: is it crazy of me to NOT want to be friends/engage with the girl my ex dated before me?  Oh, and this wasn’t my most recent ex.  It’s not even the ex before that.  This is the exgirlfriend of the guy I STOPPED dating in 2012.  We had been on and off for 4-5 years, so basically, I’ve been dealing with this situation for the last decade.  If she and I were in a relationship, we’d be exchanging tin gifts in December.  But for the past 10 years, I’ve really been trying to just avoid her.

While I was with the guy, I knew that she was something I’d have to put up with, at least for a while until she got over the breakup.  He started seeing me about a month after he broke up with her, so I can understand how it was difficult at first to let go of him.  But as time went on, she just didn’t leave.  He assured me that her bark was worse than her bite and that eventually she’d tire and leave us alone.  And there were periods where she did.  And then there were periods when he and I weren’t together, and she would show back up, either trying to re-date him or to befriend me (as he was usually dating a 20-year old at that point).  There were times were I did feel like she and I had some kind of camaraderie and would get along politely.  I mean, the enemy of my enemy is my….comrade?  But I never considered her a friend.

When he and I finally broke up for good, I eventually told her (and him) that I didn’t want any further contact with either of them.  It had been too many years of confusion and frustration and annoyance, and I really just wanted to break free and move forward.  I blocked them both on social media, text, and email.  He got the hint and we didn’t talk again for a long time.  She just didn’t seem to understand.  I could still see that she was emailing me (Google doesn’t let you completely block, just have messages filter into spam) and there were points where she would call me from a different number and leave voicemails.  At one point, she left a message that indicated there was a legitimate problem, so I caved and unblocked her, only to find that it (obviously) wasn’t a serious issue.  I took that opportunity to apologize for the way things were, but also indicate that I really didn’t want to continue to be in contact.  And I stupidly didn’t re-block her.


All of this occurred last summer, and once she was unblocked, she ended up sending me messages every holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc).  I just didn’t respond, hoping that eventually it’d just stop.  But given how things have been over the years, I should have known better.  Within the last few months, things began to escalate, and considering where I was at mentally, this was legitimately the LAST thing I wanted to be dealing with.  My tipping point was that I received text messages from her while I was in Greece for my sabbatical.  I thought to myself “I can’t even get rid of this issue being thousands of miles away. Will I ever not have to deal with this anymore?”

Within days of coming back from holiday, I received another text from her.  At this point, I figured I needed to be straight with her and let her know WHY I couldn’t continue to have her message me.  I ended up explaining that I wasn’t trying to be unkind, but that I needed to not have any more communication with her because I was going through my own issues.  I also ended up sending her a link to one of my previous posts, expressing how bad my depression had become.  She seemed to understand and told me that she would respect my wishes and not reach out.  She also made a point to say that she just wanted us to be friends and be supportive of me during this time.  Although that’s not her responsibility or place, I did appreciate that and wished her well.  I also went and blocked her number again, just to avoid any further messages.

So then yesterday happened.

I was working from home and happened to be watching Trump’s speech to the U.N. with Ace asleep on my lap.  I snapped a pic, because he’s not usually that cuddly, and posted it to Instagram.  Less than a half hour later, I noticed I had a message in my spam folder.  Imagine my surprise when I find two emails from her, the first of which referenced the Trump speech and how it was giving her anxiety as well.  So this really pissed me off.  Not because she was (apparently) looking at my social media, but because I made a point to block BOTH of her Instagram accounts.  Either it was a major coincidence that she mentioned the speech within 30 minutes of my posting about it, or she has an additional profile that she is able to see my shit through.  Regardless, I found it annoying.

I didn’t really mince words when responding to her.  I was possibly a bit harsh, but I don’t really know how else I’m supposed to react.  I have tried the nice thing and she continued to message me.  So I had to go the other route this time.

Years ago, I joked with someone that this situation was starting to feel a bit like I was in The Silence of the Lambs, and let people know that if I ever went missing, they should check her closet.  I was convinced that she would skin me and wear me as a coat.  That may sound slightly narcissistic, but she honestly treats me like an ex-boyfriend that broke up with her.  And we never dated.

I know this post might provoke another email from her, but I really just don’t care anymore.

In unrelated ex news, someone asked me yesterday how things were going with my most recent ex/neighbor.  I told her that I haven’t even seen him since I’ve been back from Europe and that it’s possible that he moved out….except that I did notice his name is still on the mailbox and there is a tangible sense of spite in the air every time I pass by his door.  And it smells like dirty laundry and Axe body spray.  So he’s still here.

Social Media as a Torture Device: causing internal strife as to who/when/how we connect with someone new, while simultaneously looking at photos of our high school friends babies and navigating the minefield of makeup/health/fitness pyramid scheme posts.

So it’s possible I’m overthinking this (it’s been known to happen on occasion), but is there some math equation that I missed in school that helps you determine when/if you are able to request a social media friendship with someone you met on a dating app?  Because right now, it seems like it’s a fucking free-for-all.

Case in point, the three social media requests I’ve received over the last two weeks from people I’ve dated to various degrees (some I only talked to via Tinder or Bumble).

Example 1: the Instagram request from the dickish Brit from a couple posts ago.  Remember?  This was the guy that questioned my intellect right out of the gate.  We did end up exchanging phone numbers so we could chat via WhatsApp, and I believe this is how he found my Instagram username.  But yes, I was pretty surprised to get a request from him over a week after leaving London.  It wasn’t like we had a great conversation or even met in person, however, I did accept the request and requested to follow him as well….well, at least for a few days before I decided I just didn’t care and removed him.

Example 2: the Instagram DM request from someone I never even talked to, but found me from a dating app.  Okay, this one isn’t (necessarily) as creepy as it sounds at first.  I did include my IG username in my Bumble and Tinder profiles, so it’s not like he had to do some serious searching to find me.  However, I did realize after the fact that incorporating a means of contacting me directly does allow potential matches (or left swipes) to subvert the only floodgate differentiating Bumble/Tinder from OKCupid: the fact that you need to match before messaging.  I ended up chatting back and forth a few times, but the conversation ultimately petered out.  I also have two unanswered messages from others that found me via Tinder, but I don’t think I want to travel down that path just yet.

Example 3: the Facebook request from the guy I’ve been seeing on and off since July.  Obviously I accepted this one without even thinking about it, but it did make me realize that there is a weird game of chess that occurs with social media in regards to dating.  Which person will be the one to send out the request?  At what point do you do it?  What social media platform do you choose?  And seriously, do all these things really even fucking matter?

Well in a world where the person who cares (or shows they care) the least ends up holding some sort of power, yes, I’d say these things do matter to an extent.

So allow me to let you peer into my brain (scary, I know) right now as I walk you through the thought process that has been going through my head the past couple weeks regarding if I should connect with the lad I had two dates with in London…

Okay, I had a great time with him and even if I don’t end up seeing him again at any point, I think he’s really fucking cool and would like to stay in contact.  We have continued to chat here and there via WhatsApp, but most recently, the conversation has slowed.  So this might be a great time to connect on social media, right?  I haven’t seen him since early September and haven’t talked since late last week, so it won’t be too much because there has been a bit of a cooling off period.  But has it cooled too much?  Will I look like a nut for trying to connect now that I’m back in Boston and we aren’t actively talking right now?  Also, which platform is the best?  I can always go the Facebook route, because if anything, I feel like that is safest.  It’s been pointed out to me that people don’t post quite as much on FB as they do on others, so it’s probably less invasive, right?  But then what if he doesn’t use Facebook ever and my request is left sitting there in perpetuity.  Okay, scratch Facebook.  I can’t deal with the prospect of an unanswered request.  What about Snapchat?  Oh wait, Snapchat is really only meant to send dirty pics and have conversations that you want to ensure don’t get saved, so forget that….also, it appears he doesn’t have Snapchat connected to his phone number.  That’s pretty refreshing actually.  How about Twitter then?  Actually, I don’t tweet, so I’d look super lame if he saw how few tweets I’ve tweeted.  Shit, I can’t stop saying tweet.  Right.  So then maybe I connect via…LinkedIn?  I mean, I know his first and last name and what kind of business he in, but the man has been inside of me, so I feel like that’s probably not the best route to go…unless I want a recommendation of some sort.  No, no, no.  Not LinkedIn.  Then that really just leaves me with Instagram.  And actually, because I have his phone number, it has been recommending him as one of my possible contacts, so maybe it’ll seem less contrived.  He might not request me back with this one though, and that’ll kind of suck, but all in all, it could be the best possible route.  Oh fuck, but then I also have the blog link in my IG profile and if he connects with me, he will be able to read my blog…and this post…talking about my internal debate as to if I connect with him at all.  Well maybe he won’t realize it’s him I’m talking about?  Maybe?  Oh fuck, he definitely will.

Final decision: I’ll connect with him on Instagram in a couple days.  Maybe.  Most likely.  I don’t know, we will see.

…Right, so again, dating is a shit show and I missed the class that went over the best way to determine if/when/by what means you connect with a guy.  Just par for the course of my dating life.  It’s probably also worth noting that my last relationship (which was on and off for two years) never ONCE included connecting on social media (he was a dick who didn’t want people to know we were dating, basically), which could be why I’m so rusty with this shit… and also why I’m overthinking everything.

“Birthdays was the worst days. Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay.”

It’s amazing how things can sneak up on you when you aren’t paying attention.  Case in point: my birthday.  How I realized it: Facebook reminded me.  Well, actually, it suggested I use my birthday to raise money for a charity of my choice…or something along those lines.  I wasn’t really paying too much attention to what it actually said.  I was too caught up in the fact that I managed to almost entirely forget that we are in September, and I am within a week of my birthday.

So the last few years have been really bad birthday-wise, with the exception of the dinner my friends took my out to last year (thank you, ladies!).  I either spent them alone or in shitty relationships where I was barely (if at all) acknowledged on the day.  But whatever.  That doesn’t even bother me at this point anymore.  I didn’t actually mind spending my birthday alone, as it granted me some quiet time to self-reflect and enjoy my celebratory Georgetown cupcake (if anyone was planning on surprising me with a cupcake, please note that I like the chocolate ganache and all treats can be sent to the WeWork in Fort Point 🙂 ).  The first couple years, I made stupid wishes for things in my personal life to get better, pretending that blowing out the candles actually means something and incites some kind of cosmic shift.  It should also be noted that during this time in my life, I would also (on occasion) make a wish at 11:11 or whenever my eyelashes would fall out.  God, I was naive.

However, last year was different.

When I was in my early 20s and (like most females my age) worshiped the gospel according to Sex and the City, I remember watching an episode about a “scary age” birthday.  Now that I’m older and my mind is going, I have no idea what character (probably Carrie) coined this or which age (probably mid-30s) she decided to make it, but this concept stuck with me.  At that point, I decided that 33 was my scary age and that if certain life milestones hadn’t happened for me at that point, they most likely wouldn’t occur.  Ever.

So last year, as I was coming up to my 33rd birthday, I started to take stock in my life and the things that had (or hadn’t yet) happened.  I was losing hope in finding a job that I could actually turn into a career, and thought that the rest of my working life would be spent doing something I hated/didn’t bring me any kind of happiness.   I was giving up on finding someone that would actually be a real partner, not just boyfriend who wouldn’t acknowledge me as his girlfriend in public or to family/friends (yes, that was where I was at not only last year, but also the two years prior).  And I started to dismiss the idea of having a family of my own, although I was pretty sure before that point I didn’t necessarily want kids anyway.

So as I turned 33, I had already started to give up.

But then as the year passed and shittier things started to happen, something changed.  I began to look at things differently and not in the stringent terms that I had for the past 10 years.  As I was hitting the lowest points of my life, I was coming to terms with where I was at and what that meant.

Do I enjoy my job?  No, but then, most people don’t.  Can I find another?  Of course.  It’s going to require time and effort, but in the end, could be an amazing change.  So for the last few weeks (since coming back from Europe) I’ve kicked the job search into high gear. I’m being more open about the kinds of positions and the locations of the jobs, hoping that I will find something that really fits and makes me happy to go to work everyday.

Am I a lost cause when it comes to finding a partner?  No, probably not.  I’m just not great at making decision when it comes to the people I invest time and effort into dating.  I’ve wasted a LOT of years in relationships that were clearly not good/were extremely toxic.  I also think that at this point, I’m not particularly in a good place with myself to even bring another person in for something serious, so this really isn’t a concern at the moment.

Could I still have a family?  Sure, but like before, I’m not even sure if that’s what I want.  Also, this past year I was told that I have a large cyst on my uterus and both keeping it or removing it could potentially cause problems with a pregnancy.  (As a comical aside, I’ve been told that it’s the size of a citrus fruit and it’s causing my uterus enlarge to the size of someone in their fifth month of pregnancy.  So naturally, I’ve named the cyst Clementine and blame her for my constant lower belly bloat.  I mean, the fifth month of pregnancy.  That’s a pretty big uterus.)  Anyway, babies.  Still not sold, but have found myself softening to the idea of them recently.

Long story short, I guess that as I enter the last week of 33, I’m not in as bad of a place as I was this time last year, or even where I was the last few months.  It’s truly amazing what time off and perspective can do.  I have actually even found myself saying positive/motivational things to coworkers who are questioning their role in my company (yes, the company I don’t even know if I want to be in anymore).  The words “Don’t worry, I think they are going to do right by us all” came out of my mouth on multiple occasions, followed immediately by “Who the fuck am I and when did I get so optimistic?”

So here’s a preemptive cheers to 34.  I have a lot of things that I’d like to happen so don’t be surprised if you see some changes over the next year.

(Also, let’s just forget that I said I’m 34.  In reality, I am feeling a lot younger than that recently, another credit I will give to my time in Europe.)

Anxiety has made it impossible to come up with a quirky title, so pretend this is one.

I’m feeling a lot of anxiety today, so I’m wondering if writing might help alleviate that. Not entirely sure what brought it on, but I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that I’ve been sitting at work the past week with barely anything to do. Before I went on holiday, I was busy all day, everyday. While I was out, all of my accounts were given to others and I now have a completely different role in the company. Truth be told, it’s not one that I want at all, and I think that might be heightening the anxiety.

I really just need to find another job. Since I’ve been back, I’ve applied to dozens of jobs in different roles and industries. I’m not discriminating at any potential job, as long as it appears to be one that will not make me miserable. I’ve heard back from a couple and am waiting to set up some preliminary calls, but in the interim, my anxiety-riddled head is in overdrive. All this time on my hands just makes me think too much.

I actually like being busy and I like working, so to have my company place me in a role where I’ve got so much free time is frustrating. It makes me feel completely undervalued and like they have no idea where my strengths lie. I’m finding it extremely difficult to not express my frustrations, and actually might end up leaving a bit early this afternoon to avoid it.

The only thing that has helped me through today was a new podcast: My Dad Wrote A Porno. I ended up listening to almost all of the first series and if anyone had looked into my (completely glass) office during this time, they would have seen me doing a terrible job at containing my laughter. So fucking hilarious, and I wish my Dad had done the same so I could simultaneously muse about it and cringe at its ridiculousness.

Londoner for a day.

Spoiler alert: this wasn’t a bad date.

Since I’ve already talked about the first two legs of my trip (London and Crete/Santorini), I figure it’s only fair to talk about the third leg (I don’t think that’s the right phrasing.  People only have two legs. But I guess if we were talking about other animals, a third/fourth leg would work, right?)

Anyway, while I was in Greece, I decided to extend my trip out a few days more and go back to London.  Honestly, no reason in particular, other than the fact that I really enjoyed my time there and wanted to go back.  I was also able to make plans with some of the people I had been talking to before, so I had some outings lined up by the time I got back into London.
I know that people love to hear the shitty details of my dates, but I honestly can’t say that about any of them from this time around.  So to preserve my modesty (what’s left of it, anyway), I think it’s best that I just talk about one in particular.
During my second time in London, I was able to make a second date with one of the men I had gone out with before (the really good date from three posts ago).  Those of you who have read my blog in the past know that I don’t often have second dates, so the prospect of a second date in London was really exciting.  Before I left Greece, we talked about different places we could go, and I mentioned that I wanted to do something that tourists wouldn’t usually do.  He told me that he would take me to an area outside the city where we could go for a walk along the Thames, and we agreed to meet outside the tube station that Saturday afternoon.
After making my way from Paddington to Richmond upon Thames (posh-sounding, eh?), I waited outside the station for a couple minutes…which happened to be just long enough to start to worry that I was at the wrong entrance.  Fortunately, just as I was about to find WiFi so I could message him (downfall of traveling without cell service), I saw him standing by the entrance.  Since we had spent the night together a couple weeks earlier, I figured it was safe to give him a “hello” kiss on the lips.  However, as I went up on tiptoe to do so, he started to say something, so I ended up pecking his open mouth (so not actually making contact with any part of his face).  Oof, awkward.  I cringe thinking about it.  It seemed like he didn’t notice/didn’t care, so we grabbed some coffee and started walking around.  After a mile and a half, we ended up at a pub on the water in Twickenham.  Because it was early afternoon on a Saturday (which also happened to be a rugby day), both the pub and the grassy area outside were pretty full, but we bought a couple pints and found a seat on the curb outside.  Between the sunny weather, the families picnicking on the lawn, and the wedding going on in a venue down the street (complete with a runaway Father of the Bride, who kept drunkenly making his way to the pub for a drink, forcing the groomsmen/ushers to come bring him back), I felt that I was getting an authentic London experience.  I also had some wonderful company, which made the whole thing even better.  After a few pints, we decided to make a dinner reservation at a restaurant close to his house and started to make our way back to a pub closer to the Tube, since we had some time to kill before the late reservation.
When we finally got on the Tube, it was packed with rugby hooligans (not really hooligans, just happy/rowdy fans).  I was glad to have someone who knew where he was going with me, because I think that had I done the trip myself, I would have been too overwhelmed at this point to make the transfer from the crowded rugby train to the crowded double-decker bus (another authentic London moment – a hen-do hopped on at at the same time we did).  Eventually we made it to the restaurant, got our table right away, and decided to do the tasting menu (which was really good).  Side note: this was the first time I’ve ever been served hummus on a rock.  Actually all the dishes were served on actual stones or stoneware dishes.  It was rather cool.  The Manor in Clapham, for anyone that is interested in trying it out.  But I digress.
During dinner we had discussed the fact that neither of us had seen the season finale of Game of Thrones (I actually hadn’t seen the last three while I was on holiday, because HBOGO doesn’t work overseas :-/ ).  He assured me that the first episode I missed wasn’t anything special, and went over as much of the plot as he could remember.  He also said the second to last episode was really good and agreed to rewatch it with me before watching the finale together.  So we caught a cab back to his place.
At this point, it was getting a bit late, but we ended up watching the last two episodes.  As much as I enjoy GOT and was already running the risk of encountering a spoiler or two on Facebook, I was a bit frustrated that I agreed to watch them.  I honestly just wanted to make out with him.  The last time we did, he was really good and I was getting a bit anxious to do it again.  As the final credits were rolling on the last episode, I finally got what I wanted.  Things progressed and, out of respect, I’m not going to go into any details.  Just know that if WordPress allowed me to do emojis, I would be putting two thumbs up right here.
The next morning, we had some coffee and chatted about interior design (he just redid his home), before he drove me to the Tube station.  Despite the fact that this was the first day I encountered rain in London, I was feeling really happy with how things went and over the next day, we chatted back and forth a bit.  There are a couple factors that aren’t promising here (he recently got out of a relationship and isn’t looking for anything serious, and also, oh, 3000 miles or so), but this was actually someone I really enjoyed hanging out with.  And because I’m slightly masochistic, I did end up telling him that.  He’s been nice about it, and we have kept in touch since I got home.
So, I pride myself on being really good at dates.  I think for the most part, I can hold a conversation (if the person also makes an effort) and I’ve been told I can be charming and engaging (if you doubt me, please go back and reread the post one of my dates wrote).  But I’m realizing that I’m shit at the in-between dates stuff.  Usually, this is where I get too into my own head and start second-guessing the things I did/said/etc.  I’m going to have to start being more cognizant about this in the future, lest I scare away any good prospects.
I have also learned from this encounter that there actually ARE some good guys out there.  He really was the epitome of a British gentleman, and I’m really glad I met him.
Sorry to all that were hoping for more humor or scandal.  Not all dates necessitate that.

The Americanization of Greek Beaches: How I developed tan lines that look like I’m wearing a white bra/undies set when naked.

The two weeks that I was in Greece, I didn’t have a day without the sun.  To be more specific, there wasn’t a day (until my very last day there) where there was even a small scattering of clouds.  Most days, there wasn’t a single fucking cloud to be seen all day.  And for someone who was just prescribed vitamin D supplements by my psycho-pharmacologist (to anticipate the upcoming lack of sun and preemptively counteract the likely depressive disorder that will occur), I decided to make the most of the rays.  I was also planning on partaking in the long-honored tradition of going topless while visiting European beaches.  However, imagine my surprise when I not only saw a small handful of people with their tits out, but also found signs poo-pooing the practice.  Because of this, my two weeks in the sun has left a pretty distinct tan (which I ended up using to tease some of the men I was talking to at the time).  But I’ve got to say I’m a bit disappointed in the prudishness of the Greeks (or perhaps tourists visiting the Greek beaches).

So since I didn’t have any dates while in Greece, I can’t really get into what it’s like to Tinder while in the Aegean.  However, I can talk about how fucking awesome I felt about my body in general while I was there.  There is, of course, more to life than talking about the menfolks, right?

As I’ve stated on multiple (too many) occasions, I have semi-recently detached from a toxic relationship.  Before we started seeing each other, I weighed less than 110lbs and felt like I was in incredible shape.  The nature of my job at that time allowed me to wake up early in the morning, go for a run, log into work, and then go to the gym early enough in the day to avoid the post-work rush.  Once I started seeing the last guy, all of that went to shit.  Not only did I get out of my routine, I also started eating like shit because he was eating like shit.  Ugh, it is actually upsetting to think about it because I let the way he lived alter how I lived. But whatever.  That’s what toxic relationships do, right?  Anyway, because of this, I ended up gaining weight.  For me, it was a significant amount and no, I do not plan on saying how much.  Just know that it was enough to make me feel super self-conscious and wear stretchy pants for LONG time.

Before I left for my holiday, I think I was already starting to lose a little weight (don’t really know what I was starting at, however my therapist, who is required to weigh me whenever I go in did mention there was a slight drop from the last couple sessions).  I was certain that I’d end up gaining weight on what I’ve been fondly referring to as carb-cation.  The Greeks really have bread with EVERYTHING, not to mention all the pasta and potatoes.  My blood sugar levels are rising just thinking about it.  And let’s not forget the fact that I was on vacation, which automatically tacks on at least one alcoholic drink a day.  However, in Greece, where wine is cheaper than water, we can round that number to about 4 per day.  At a minimum.  So yes, I was anticipating packing on a couple pounds.

The first couple days I was on Crete, I was really self-conscious of my body and hyper-aware of any feature I considered a flaw.  But as the holiday drew on, I ended up becoming a lot more comfortable in my (super tan) skin.  There were days that I ended up just not giving a shit if I was the only person on the beach without a top, so I pulled out the ta-tas.  I was also comfortable enough to wear the itty-bitty Brazilian bikini my cousin brought back from me during her trip home one year.  It’s also worth mentioning that these were the bottoms that ended up burning my buns a bit one day, but it’s all good.  Just a little extra toasty.  I also became accustomed to pulling on my romper cover-up and pulling off my wet bathing suit, walking around commando the rest of the day.  There was something extremely liberating (and breezy) about the whole thing.

Long (naked) story short, this trip made me actually like my body again.  It’s not where I want it to be completely, but I’m fucking okay with it as is.  If I lose a bit more weight, cool.  If not, not big deal.  I do think I ended up losing my boobs somewhere over there, which is why I could easily get away without a bra the last few days in Greece, as well as the majority of the time in London.  And also the first day back at work…. whoops.

Anyway, the moral of the story is this: eat the potatoes and don’t give a shit what the Greek think about your boobs.

Morning Musing: Am I scaring away all the fish?

As I was going about my morning routine today (yes, I’ve managed to get myself into a nice little routine….which will most likely get all fucked up next week when I get Ace back), I realized that the last few days have been lacking something familiar.

No dings of messages from Tinder or Bumble.

I blame prat of this on the fact that I haven’t once swiped since I’ve been stateside.  I’ve kept up a few conversations that had originated before I left for my holiday, but those have all transferred over to WhatsApp or text at this point.  Over the last 4 days, I haven’t had a single message from a new person, although I have an abundance of matches that could reach out if they were interested.  So what the fuck is going on?

I recently read an article by a professional “dating app polisher” which mentioned updating photos and About Me sections to stay fresh.  Because I have an abundance of photos from my trip, I’ve already gone about adding the best (read: “sexiest”) ones, so one would assume I’d start to get more messages.  Nope.  I have also updated my description sections to come across as the cool chick that everyone wants to date (one part of Gone Girl that I could really assimilate with).  Again, no new messages.

After wracking my brain to think what might be accounting for the lack of communication, I realized there was one update made to both accounts that could be causing this: I added in my Instagram username.

“But, Erin,” you might be thinking, “you are so photogenic, that there is no way your photos would be making men not want to chat you up!” <Aw, thanks 🙂

And while this may or not be true, that’s not what I think might be the problem.  The problem perhaps lies in the fact that I have also recently added this blog link to my IG profile, in an attempt to expand my base to Trump-like levels (YUGE!).  So while I’ve been hoping that I would just get more readers, I’m perhaps also shooting myself in the foot a bit here, making it so my potential dates are rebuffed.  I can’t really blame them though.  I’d be a little weary of going out with someone who writes about the things (good/bad/ugly) that occur while on a date.

I suppose the only want to test this is to start swiping again and see if the new batch of menfolk are interested in chatting.  Otherwise, I’m going to have to hire that dating profile polisher.

Also, how cool would that job be?!

The Single Chick’s Guide to Tindering in London: The Tube, Snogging, and Big Ben.

Parental Advisory – My parents: Just don’t proceed. (This goes for you too, Grandma)

So, where do I even begin?

I promised myself that I would write at least a few times during my three week holiday.  That was actually the ONLY reason I even brought my laptop along (I told my boss is was so I could do work, but that didn’t happen).  I just ended up having such a fucking fantastic time, that it didn’t leave many opportunities to write.  But I guess I can start with this: I came back from this sabbatical feeling incredible.  Credit the sand, the sea, the sun, or perhaps the sex (yes, the sex), but I feel like I’m back to myself again.  The past two-ish years have completely killed my self-confidence and self-worth.  But instead of talking about that toxic relationship again (not worth the time or the typing), we can just get into my on version of National Lampoon’s European vacation.  (And yes, I did see Big Ben a few times, although I was not stuck in a roundabout.)

First off, I never thought I’d be able to travel on my own.  Up until this point, all of my vacations have either been with family or the person I was dating at the time.  I think that I might have been a little nervous about being a petite female, all alone on the London city streets.  But that was fucking insane, because I felt so much safer than I do at times in Boston.  I was particularly fond of the Tube and was able to get around without relying on GPS by the end of the holiday.  Before starting out on this trip, I was also never one to just to go a restaurant/bar/pub/whatever and eat/drink/whatever alone.  The first night in London, I ended up sitting next to a sexy stranger at a pub near my hotel.  Feeling a bit emboldened (thanks to a pint), I ended up striking a conversation with him. The Aussie ended up buying me another pint, and we chatted until his Lyft came to get him.  So all in all, my first attempt at being social in a foreign land went well.  Just when I thought about calling it a night, I got a message from a guy I knew from Boston, saying he saw my Instagram post (a picture of my first London pint, obviously).  He just happened to be in the area as well, so we met up for fish and chips (clearly) and some pub hopping, which culminated at a nightclub in Shoreditch, which I was not at all properly dressed for (think pub-wear: tee, jeans, sneakers).  My American friend was a complete gentleman and made sure I got back to my hotel around 3am.  Please keep in mind that I also took a red eye the night before, so I was going on very little sleep and far too many drinks.  Also, nothing happened with him.  Although we were directly outside my hotel, I decided it wasn’t a great idea to invite him up.  Actually pretty proud of my self-restraint with that one.

I slept until about noon, but eventually forced myself out of bed to explore the city.  At first, I was just planning on walking around Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (which were conveniently located close to my hotel), but feeling better than expected, I walked 11 miles around the city, catching some of the more touristy locales (Harrods, Buckingham Palace, Westminster, Big Ben, London Eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben).  At this point, I figured I’d call it a day and just go back to my hotel.  But as luck would have it, I had been conversing with someone from Tinder throughout the day (basically whenever I could find WiFi at Starbucks, Nero, Pret, etc.), and he convinced me to meet up for “an Englishman’s rough guide to drinking in London.”  We met around Oxford Circus and walked to a nearby pub.  Unlike the States, we were able to grab a couple drinks at the bar and then hang out on the street outside the pub (what a novelty!).  After finishing two rounds and being true to his word, he took me to our next stop: a more upscale restaurant for cocktails.  Another two rounds and we then headed out to our next stop: a member’s only club in what appeared to be a semi-residential neighborhood.  We ended up shutting the place down (probably somewhere close to 2am) and being a good Englishman, he walked me to my hotel.  Considering he took the time to walk me back, I assumed that the night was over and I’d head to bed, so I was a bit surprised to find myself making out with him on the corner of a semi-busy street (side note: he was a fantastic kisser).  It went on long enough for a police car to come by and flash it’s lights, forcing us to make a decision as to the next steps for the evening.  He hailed a taxi (a black Hackney carriage, of course) and we ended up back at his house.  I’ll leave you perverts to imagine what occurred next, but all I’ll say is that my first Tinder date in London was a success.  (And I’m sorry, but the dates to follow during the first leg of my trip did not match up in any way, shape, or form.)

After that, I had a semi-lame date with someone that I had matched with a couple times in Boston (he lived there until recently and just moved back to London).  He was nice and we had a good conversation over a couple G&Ts (so London), but there wasn’t anything there.

I also had an interesting WhatsApp conversation with someone I matched with on Tinder, who very quickly insulted me.  Because of my lack of WiFi most places, I was really slow to respond.  At one point after a short answer from me, he asked “Where are you from originally? As you are vague and lack intellect.”

Oh no he fucking didn’t.

I quickly pulled out my best “Boston” and responded with “I’m from Boston, by way of NH and my previous response was “all over the place” because I honestly don’t remember where I was or what pubs I was at (I was being led around by a friend). Perhaps before you question someone’s intellect next time, I suggest you consider a couple factors: 1. is she traveling the country without cell service, and 2. is it possible she’s perhaps not actually interested?”


The last male interaction I had during the first leg of the trip was with someone that I actually talked to years before.  Somehow, we matched on OKcupid, and started a transatlantic friendship.  We stopped talked a while back, but ended up matching on Tinder while I was in London.  One of my last days before leaving for Greece, we decided to get some drinks and listen to some live music.  The band that we heard was shit, but we had a good conversation.  He’s a nice guy, but I knew early on that nothing would come from it, as we are just too different.  However, all in all, it was a nice evening.  Also, there may or may not have also been some illicit substances involved in this outing that perhaps impaired my judgement more than I would have liked.  But we won’t get into that.

So that was my first 5 days in Europe.

Other major sights that I visited: Sherlock Holmes Museum (didn’t go in though), Regent’s Park, Abbey Road, Lord’s Cricket Ground, King’s Cross (had to get the obligatory Platform 9 3/4 pic for my nephews), Camden, Tate Modern, Tower Bridge, Tower of London, Gordon’s Wine Bar (a suggestion from a friend), 10 Downing St, Brixton (had to see the Bowie memorial).  I also got my nails done (needed a Grecian polish change before leaving) at a great little salon in Mayfair.  But I know that most of you don’t care about the sightseeing portion of this blog.  All you lot care about is my mortifying forays into the foreign dating circuit.  But whoopsie daisy, that didn’t really happen this time around.  HA!

London Calling

So I’ve been in London for 3 days a this point, and am completely in love.  The last time I was here was when I was 16 and even then, I knew that there was something special about this place.  And now, more than ever, I feel like I was born in the wrong place.

But anyways, with regards to dating, which is what this blog is supposed to be about….

Yes, I have turned on my dating apps while I’ve been here.  Been swiping up a storm, as some might say, and have acquired a great deal of matches over the past few days.  I’ve had a lot of men offer to show me around, and I’ve gone out with a couple guys at this point (with a couple other meet-ups scheduled).  So far, my opinion of British men is the exact same thing I thought before I came here: they are truly gentlemen, but also know how to have fun and drink a few pints.

So not only have I met some great people and seen some amazing sights, I’ve also been able to do something that I’ve never had success doing in Boston: I’ve been able to have a meal or a drink by myself at a pub, without the aid of my phone or a book.  I guess I’ve had a good deal of time with myself and am really starting to feel better.  I am also starting to figure out if there is a way to get a sponsorship visa to work over here.  The past few days, I’ve been walking around with a permanent smile, and for a Wednesday Addams-type with a resting bitch face, that’s saying a LOT.  I feel like I need to start figuring out a way to make this happen.  And I suppose when all else fairs, I might try to seek asylum here from the Cheeto-colored imbecile that is parading around as our president.

Sorry for the brevity of this post.  But it’s already almost 1am and I’ve been up since at least 4:30/5 the past couple nights.  I have a couple more dates lined up in London, and will be sure to post about them.